Intepretation of Quotation

“Employers identify communication as one of the basic competencies every graduate should have, asserting that the ability to communicate is valuable for obtaining employment and maintaining successful job performance.” Sherwyn Morreale, Michael Osborn & Judy Pearson, Professors of Communication (2000)


Problems are multi-faceted, requiring employees of different departments to liaise with one another. Reinforcing the need to build trust between colleagues to improve productivity, morale & performance. Furthermore, poor communication can lead to inaccuracies in the information and a reluctance to share perspectives or ideas during discussions, wasting a potentially crucial addition to the final product of the discussion.


  1. Thanks, Benjamin, for being one of the first to make this initial post.

  2. Your interpretation fully covers the meaning of quotation. Overall your interpretation was short and sweet but the use of paragraphing will make it feel more organised. Language used was good but using simple words would be more reader-friendly.


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